
O Departamento de Cinema e Vídeo da UFF e o Programa da Pós Graduação em Cinema e Audiovisual (PPGCine-UFF) convidam para a palestra "New Cinema History and the margins of the mainstream theatrical model of metropolitan film exhibition: A case study on risqués cinemas", pelo Prof. Dr. Daniël Biltereyst (Ghent University, Bélgica), no dia 15 de maio de 2017, às 10h30, na Sala Interartes - IACS (Rua Lara Vilela, 126, Niterói).

A palestra será proferida em inglês.


Within the New Cinema History perspective much work has been done on the mainstream theatrical models of urban or metropolitan film exhibition, models which are often presented as the ones made or preferred by the industry, models which seemed to promote a particular mode of film-going, installing a particular dispositif in which films were watched by film viewers. Only recently more work is being done on other concrete, and socially and spatially embedded models such as forms of rural film exhibition and cinema-going, with other types of programming, other kinds of spatial organization of cinemas, with other types of audience engagement, and other types of relationships between cinema and institutions like local authorities, policy, the judicial system or the Church. After an introduction to New Cinema History work and theories on  mainstream film exhibition, this talk will go into a few alternative models, with a case study on risqué or sex cinemas. Using the case of Cinema Leopold in Ghent, Belgium, this talk will deal with issues of negotiation, varieties in transgression and liminality in cinema.